GET Lab Results
Returns the results file for a patient that is associated with a test kit.
GET {clientId}/api/v1/labresults/{barcode}?alphaCode={alphaCode}
The GET Order Status API requires the following information in the headers of an HTTP request:
HTTP Header | Description |
Authorization | The HTTP Authorization request header contains the credentials to authenticate a user agent with a server. |
Accept | The HTTP Accept request header contains information about the content types, expressed as MIME types, that the client can understand. The MIME types for the GET Lab Results request are application/json or application/hl7 |
Path parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Required/Optional |
clientId | The clientId is a unique code that is provided by LetsGetChecked. The code is formed by 1 to 4 alphanumeric characters. | string | Required |
Barcode | Formatted as LGC-0000-0000-0000, where 0 indicates any digit. | string | Required |
AlphaCode | Formatted as AAAAAA, where A indicates any uppercase letter from A to Z. | string | Optional |
Status Codes
Status Code | Description |
200 | Returned whenever a result, in the requested format, is found. |
400 | Returned whenever a param is send in an invalid format. |
404 | Returned whenever a result, in the requested format, is not found. |
Sample Responses
200 HL7
Note: The example below is just one possible response. The data will follow the hl7 2.3 version format but the content depends on the laboratory that processes the sample and the biomarkers collected in the test kit.
PID||Lab^Example|Lab^Example||TEST^MARIA^JULIA||12351111|F|||Test Stree 14^State^11111^||(111)111-111|||||11111111_C|||||
OBX|1|NM|001065^Cholesterol, Total||168|mg/dL|100-199||||F||||01||||||||||
OBX|3|NM|011817^HDL Cholesterol||150|mg/dL|>39||||F||||01||||||||||
OBX|4|NM|012059^LDL Chol Calc (NIH)||115|mg/dL|0-99|H|||F||||01||||||||||
OBX|5|NM|100065^T. Chol/HDL Ratio||3.0|ratio|0.0-4.4||||F||||01||||||||||
NTE|2|L| .
NTE|3|L| T. Chol/HDL Ratio
NTE|4|L| Men Women
NTE|5|L| 1/2 Avg.Risk 3.4 3.3
NTE|6|L| Avg.Risk 5.0 4.4
NTE|7|L| 2X Avg.Risk 9.6 7.1
NTE|8|L| 3X Avg.Risk 23.4 11.0
OBX|1|NM|101148^Patient Height (In)||64.0|in|||||F||||02||||||||||
OBX|2|NM|101149^Patient Weight (lbs)||190.0|lbs|||||F||||02||||||||||
OBX|3|NM|101150^Body Mass Index||32.6||||||F||||02||||||||||
OBX|4|NM|101151^Waist Circumference (In)||36.0|in|||||F||||02||||||||||
OBX|5|NM|101144^Systolic Blood Pressure||110|mmHg|||||F||||02||||||||||
OBX|6|NM|101145^Diastolic Blood Pressure||90|mmHg|||||F||||02||||||||||
OBX|1|NM|001481^Hemoglobin A1c||55.0|%|4.8-5.6|H|||F||||01||||||||||
NTE|2|L| .
NTE|3|L| .
NTE|4|L| Prediabetes: 5.7 - 6.4
NTE|5|L| Diabetes: >6.4
NTE|6|L| Glycemic control for adults with diabetes: <7.0
OBX|1|NM|120190^Lipoprotein (a)||36.0|nmol/L|<75.0||||F||||03||||||||||
NTE|2|L| Note: Values greater than or equal to 75.0 nmol/L may
NTE|3|L| indicate an independent risk factor for CHD,
NTE|4|L| but must be evaluated with caution when applied
NTE|5|L| to non-Caucasian populations due to the
NTE|6|L| influence of genetic factors on Lp(a) across
NTE|7|L| ethnicities.
NTE|2|L|Test not performed. Quantity is insufficient for confirmation.
OBR|6|LGC-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX|10796980430|100875^Request Problem^^|||202304170714||||G|||202304170000||1XXXXXXXXX^Smith^John^^^^^NPI||LGC-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX||LGC-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX|Y|202304171441|||F||||||||||
OBX|1|TX|100875^Request Problem||TNP||||||F||||01||||||||||
NTE|1|L|Test not performed. Quantity is insufficient for confirmation.
NTE|2|L| TEST: 001032 Glucose
200 PDF
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"base64Pdf": "JVBERi0xLjIgCjkgMCBvYmoKPDwKPj4Kc3RyZWFtCkJULyA5IFRmKExHQyBNb2NrIFRlc3QgUmVzdWx0KScgRVQKZW5kc3RyZWFtCmVuZG9iago0IDAgb2JqCjw8Ci9UeXBlIC9QYWdlCi9QYXJlbnQgNSAwIFIKL0NvbnRlbnRzIDkgMCBSCj4+CmVuZG9iago1IDAgb2JqCjw8Ci9LaWRzIFs0IDAgUiBdCi9Db3VudCAxCi9UeXBlIC9QYWdlcwovTWVkaWFCb3ggWyAwIDAgOTkgOSBdCj4+CmVuZG9iagozIDAgb2JqCjw8Ci9QYWdlcyA1IDAgUgovVHlwZSAvQ2F0YWxvZwo+PgplbmRvYmoKdHJhaWxlcgo8PAovUm9vdCAzIDAgUgo+PgolJUVPRg=="
"errors": {
"barcode": [
"Barcode must start with 'LGC-' next by 3 sets of 4 digits separated by '-'. Example: LGC-0000-0000-0000."
"type": "",
"title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
"status": 400,
"instance": "/0001/api/v1/labresults/LGC-131",
"traceId": "00-64e11111a111111ec93206e8af6bdae4-1111b1f0da111fda-01"
"type": "",
"title": "Not Found",
"status": 404,
"traceId": "00-64e11111a111111ec93206e8af6bdae4-1111b1f0da111fda-01"